It seems like yesterday But it was long ago Janey was lovely, she was the queen of my nights 바로 어제 같은 데 하지만 오래전 일이 되었네요 제니는 사랑스러웠고, 그녀는 내 밤들의 여왕이었어요 There in the darkness with the radio playing low And the secrets that we shared The mountains that we moved Caught like a wildfire out of control Till there was nothing left to burn and nothing left to prove 어둠속에서 라디오를 낮게 틀어놓고 그리고 우린 비밀을 나누었지요 그 산을 우린 움직였고, 감당할 수 없는 들불처럼 곤경에 빠졌었지요 지끔까지 그곳엔 태울 것도, 증명할 것도 남아있지 않아요 And I remember what she said to me How she swore that it never would end I remember how she held me oh so tight Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then 그녀가 했던 말을 기억해요 결코 종말은 없을 거라며 어떻게 맹세를 했는지 난 기억해요, 어떻게 그녀가 꼭 껴안 주었는지 그때를 몰랐으면 하고 지금 바래요 Against the wind We were runnin' against the wind We were young and strong, we were runnin' against the wind 바람을 거슬러 우리는 바람을 거슬러 달렸어요 우린 젊었고, 강했고, 우린 달렸어요 바람을 거슬러 And the years rolled slowly past And I found myself alone Surrounded bv strangers I thought were my friends 세월은 흘러 서서히 지나가고 나만 홀로 있네요 내 친구들이라고 생각했던 낯선 사람들에의해 둘러쌓인 채 I found myself further and further from my home And I guess I lost my way There were oh so many roads I was living to run and running to live 내 집에서 너무 멀리에 내가 있네요 내 갈 길을 잃어버린 것 같아요 아주 많은 길이 있었지만 난 살기위해 뛰고 또 뛰며 살아왔어요 Never worried about paying or even how much I owed Moving eight miles a minute for months at a time Breaking all of the rules that would bend 돈 낼 걱정을 해본적도 없어요, 내가 얼마를 내야하는지 조차도,, 한달에 한차례씩 순식간에 8마일을 움직이고 있어요. 굴복시킬 수 있는 모든 규정을 파괴하고있어요 I began to find myself searchin' Searching for shelter again and again Against the wind A little something against the wind I found myself seeking shelter against the wind 난 엄밀히 내자신을 살피기 시작했어요 되풀이하여 은신처를 찾고 있어요 바람을 거슬러... 바람을 거슬러 작은 어떤 것을 난 바람을 거슬러 은신처를 찾는 날 발견했어요 Well those drifters days are past me now I've got so much more to think about Deadlines and commitments What to leave in, what to leave out 그런 유랑의 날들은 이제 끝나고 난 정말 아주 더 많은 생각을 해야 겠어요 사선과 의무에 관하여 어떻게 살고 지탱해야 하는지 Against the wind I'm still runnin' against the wind Well I'm older now but still runnin' Against the wind 바람을 거슬러 난 아직도 달리고 있어요, 바람을 거슬러 이제 난 늙었지만 그러나 아직도 달리고 있어요 바람을 거슬러
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